Whom I betrayed

I cried out to Him for help,
but he did not answer me.
I stood up, and He didn't turn.
His attension against me.

I went to the cross where He died,
but I couldn't find Him there.
Where is He, loving one, great savior, faithful friend?

Jesus, you are the only one who was forsaken.
Jesus, you are the only one who overcame death.

"Why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?"
"Why do you seek the living one among the death?"
"He is not here, but He has risen!"
I turned around, and behold Jesus standing there.

Jesus, you are the only one who was forsaken.
Jesus, you are the only one who overcame death.

When I turn to you, you spread your arms wide to embrace me.
And then I could see the shape of the cross from you, Jesus.

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